Home / How To Pay
Account Name: Connect To India Pvt. Ltd.
Account Number: 50200061637379
IFSC Code: HDFC0000091
Account Name: Connect To India Pvt. Ltd.
Account Number: 923020038829477
IFSC Code: UTIB0000250
Account Name: Connect To India
Account Number: 50200042478302
IFSC Code: HDFC0000091
You can also make your payment online using the following UPI ID:
UPI ID: connecttoindia@upi
You can also make your payment online using the following QR Code:
Upon successful payment receipt, the initiation of work will promptly commence within 24-48 hours. Additionally, your project will be assigned to a dedicated Customer Support Executive to ensure personalized and efficient management.
Upon receiving comprehensive information from your company, we commit to completing your web development project within a maximum of 2-3 working weeks. The exact timeframe may vary based on the project's complexity and requirements.